All Our Shimmering Skies

Okładka książki All Our Shimmering Skies Trent Dalton
Okładka książki All Our Shimmering Skies
Trent Dalton Wydawnictwo: 4th Estate literatura piękna
448 str. 7 godz. 28 min.
literatura piękna
4th Estate
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Czas czytania
7 godz. 28 min.
Darwin Magical realism Coming of age Violence Friendship Death World War II Australia Molly Hook
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



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‘The sky gifts,’ Molly says. She likes those words. ‘Just for me?’
‘Just for you, Molly. But you have to keep your eyes on the sky. You have to keep looking up.’ Violet points at the sky. (14)
The novel begins with the gravedigger’s daughter being abandoned by her mother who must leave. Molly Hook reminds herself to stay strong as the day and night sky protect her and become her guards sending not only comfort but precious offerings. As the story continues, the gravedigger’s daughter discovers what she instinctively sensed, her mother has passed away. Convinced that all the misery her family experiences is caused by the Longcoat Bob’s course, the small girl decides to change her destiny and ask the sorcerer to withdraw the hex. On her escapade she confront her pain, asks herself important questions, and learn beautiful lessons which cherish life, love, and courage. In the interview with Frances Whiting for The Daily Telegraph, Trent Dalton reveals that these are the people who are close to our hearts who become the true gifts from the sky (2020). The magical realism combined with events from World War II, Australian landscapes, and exuberant insight into child’s imagination create the unforgettable novel with many unique and sincere metaphors.

The Daily Telegraph. (2020, September 26). Frances Whiting Q&A with Her Friend and Author Trent Dalton. [Video].
Trent, D. (2020). All Our Shimmering Skies. Fourth Estate.

‘The sky gifts,’ Molly says. She likes those words. ‘Just for me?’
‘Just for you, Molly. But you have to keep your eyes on the sky. You have to keep looking up.’ Violet points at the sky. (14)
The novel begins with the gravedigger’s daughter being abandoned by her mother who must leave. Molly Hook reminds herself to stay strong as the day and night sky protect her and...

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