The Witches' Book of the Dead

Okładka książki The Witches' Book of the Dead Christian Day
Okładka książki The Witches' Book of the Dead
Christian Day Wydawnictwo: Weiser Books Cykl: Brak cyklu (tom 000) Seria: Brak poradniki
288 str. 4 godz. 48 min.
Brak cyklu (tom 000)
Weiser Books
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4 godz. 48 min.
wiedźmy czarownice magia ezoteryka duchy spirytyzm zmarli przodkowie religia czarostwo wróżbiarstwo
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6,0 6,0 / 10

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Na półkach:

“Dare to take the ancient journey into the realm of the dead, guided by the necromantic knowledge of the Witches and Warlocks of old. This book is not for the fearful but rather for the sincere seeker of the netherworld in all its truth and dark beauty. Stride now into this dark world with necromantic Warlock Christian Day, who has touched the shadowland and now brings it to you within each and every chapter of this well-researched tome. Begin your journey now!” —Reverend Lori Bruno, Hereditary Strega and High Priestess of Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church

“Christian Day has stirred up all the ancient lore of Majick and placed it in the hands of his readers. Very well researched.” –Reverend Laurie Cabot, High Priestess of the Cabot Tradition and founder of the Cabot Kent Hermetic Temple

“The Witches' Book of the Dead is a well-researched and thoughtful compendium of magical lore, necromancy, spirit contact, and mediumship. It mixes a rich background of historical information with practical applications of ritual and magical practice. Day is not afraid to draw back the veil and peer behind it. Let him show you what he has discovered! A very good read; a volume full of worthwhile information.”—Raymond Buckland, author of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft

“Impressively researched, compelling, and immensely readable, Day’s first book resurrects the vast power of the spirit world and offers it to modern-day practitioners.”—Fiona Horne, radio and television personalityand author of eight books including Witch: A Magical Journey

“In these pages, you will discover clear, lucid instructions for contacting the dead, as well as explanations for why you might want to do so. While simultaneously emphasizing the sacred nature of his subject, Christian has written a fun, easy-to-read and easy-to-access instructional manual for interaction with the ever-present souls of the dead.”—Judika Illes, author of The Encyclopedia of Spirits, The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells, The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, and The Weiser Field Guide to Witches

“Jam-packed with practical advice, easy-to-follow instructions, and covering everything from exorcism to necromancy, The Witches' Book of the Dead truly is the quintessential guide to working with the spirit world. A must have for every magical practitioner's bookshelf!”—Dorothy Morrison, author of Utterly Wicked

“A powerful modern manual for practitioners seeking to add necromancy to their repertoire, rooted deeply in history and tradition.”—Christopher Penczak, co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft and author of The Plant Spirit Familiar

“This book is an invaluable text that can open pathways to subjects otherwise deemed unapproachable in a way that makes necromancy understandable to all.”—Leilah Wendell, author of The Necromantic Ritual Book, Encounters with Death, and Our Name Is Melancholy

“Christian Day presents every aspect of necromancy clearly, practically, and matter-of-factly. From start to finish, this is a fascinating compendium of necromantic lore, and I recommend it highly!”—Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, headmaster of The Grey School of Wizardry and author of Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

“This book is fresh, exciting, and like nothing you have ever read before!”—Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits

“A shocking, witty, and scholarly thesis offers the historian, the sorcerer, and the curiosity seeker something to ponder and something to remember—we do not walk alone.”—Bloody Mary, Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, occult historian, psychopomp, and owner of Bloody Mary’s Tours

“This book delivers a call back to an often-neglected source of power, wisdom, and guidance: necromancy and communion with the unseen side of humanity. It is a fascinating compendium and a useful tool but definitely a controversial challenge. Read and enjoy, but apply the techniques with care and caution!”—Orion Foxwood, co-founder of the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute and author of The Tree of Enchantment

“Filled with mystery and magick, The Witches' Book of the Dead is deliciously dark, edgy, thought provoking, and beautifully crafted.”—Ellen Dugan, author of Practical Protection Magick

“Christian Day is an amazing resource when it comes to magic and Witchy legend and lore. Day breaks down Witchcraft history, humanizes the folks who have always stood casting and conjuring at the outskirts of society, and then celebrates them like one would cheer a rock star. A great book and mystical look into connecting with the other side and transforming the universe around us.”—Jeff Belanger, founder of, author of The World's Most Haunted Places, and host of 30 Odd Minutes

“Christian writes with wisdom and authority, and makes the reader feel safe and secure, knowing they are being lead through advanced ritual practices by someone who knows his stuff A-Z.”—Edain McCoy, author of Advanced Witchcraft: Go Deeper, Reach Further, Fly Higher

“Without a doubt this is the most useful and unambiguous book available to the modern practitioner.” —Peter Paddon, author of The Book of the Veil, Through the Veil, and A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk

“You may not agree with all that Day proposes—and you get the sense he’d probably welcome a good intellectual brawl—but you can’t deny that this passionate, personal take on the meaning and practice of magic is thoughtful, bravely-drawn, and fascinating.”—Lesley Bannatyne, author of Halloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America's Fright Night

“Christian Day has outdone himself with this rare, beautifully written, brilliant work. If you are tired of reading regurgitated, watered-down 101 books or have found yourself in a place where you wish to delve deeper into the core of the occult, then this is a must read.”—Starrfire Price, founder and webmistress,

“If you're one of those of the living who subscribes to the notion that magick is exclusively about love, light, and life, and death is a subject to be avoided, put this book down. It is neither for the faint of heart, weak of mind or the fear enslaved soul.”—Mulysa Mayhem, priestess of Hekate, Magickal Tattoo Artist, and Owner of Good Mojo Tattoos, Beverly, MA

“The Witches' Book of the Dead offers contemplative, genuine methods, while written in a gratifying narrative style. Read it for the information other manuscripts have lacked.”—Sabrina The Ink Witch, artist and founder of

“From Altars to Yew wands, no (grave) stone was left unturned in this well researched and beautifully written compendium of necromancy.”—Marla Brooks, author of Workplace Spells, Animal Spells and Magick, and host of Stirring the Cauldron Radio

“A rare gem on the proverbial bookshelf of any working Witch!”—Rev. Jonathan Sousa, Southern Italian Traditionalist and author of WitchHeart: Essays in Traditional Craft Philosophy

“The Witches' Book of the Dead is without a doubt one of the most in depth works on darker magic I have ever had the pleasure to read.”—Corvis Nocturnum, author of Cemetery Gates: Death and Mourning through the Ages

“Destined to be a classic in occult literature.” —Denise Alvarado, author of The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook

“Dare to take the ancient journey into the realm of the dead, guided by the necromantic knowledge of the Witches and Warlocks of old. This book is not for the fearful but rather for the sincere seeker of the netherworld in all its truth and dark beauty. Stride now into this dark world with necromantic Warlock Christian Day, who has touched the shadowland and now brings it...

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